Many patients do not prioritize or enjoy their visits to the dentist. However, as much as they may not enjoy dental cleanings and checkups, they are essential to promote their oral health and prevent dangerous oral issues.
Regular dental exams are highly important to protect your oral health. A dentist will examine their patient’s teeth and treat current issues or any oral problem they may find developing. Identifying oral issues during their early stage is essential to prevent them from expanding and causing further concerns. During your dental exam at our dental clinic in Winnipeg, a dentist will take the utmost care of your smile and ensure your oral health is in good standing.
Ideally, patients should visit their dentist twice yearly for checkups and cleanings. Additionally, they should practise a good oral hygiene routine to prevent issues from developing in between their visits. Brushing at least twice a day and flossing at least once daily will ensure you promote your oral health from home. This, however, is not enough to care for your smile, and you should not avoid scheduling dental appointments.
What Should You Expect During an Appointment?
During a dental exam, your Winnipeg dentist will ensure every part of your mouth has been examined with care. During your visit, you can expect the following:
1) Deep Cleaning
A good dental hygiene routine at home is essential to support your oral health. Although it is very helpful in preventing oral issues and keeping your smile healthy, a toothbrush will not be able to remove all excess plaque and bacteria from your teeth. Dental clinics near you are equipped with high-quality dental instruments your dentist can use to thoroughly clean your teeth. In addition, with time, plaque and bacteria can accumulate and harden and form tartar. This hardened plaque can only be scraped off gently with professional, gentle tools.
During a dental cleaning, your dentist will also ensure no debris or bacteria around your gums. This will help prevent gingivitis and gum disease that can cause tooth decay and other issues. With the help of our dentists, your teeth and gums will look and feel sparkly clean after your appointment.
2) Oral Issues and Cancer Screening
During your comprehensive oral exam in Winnipeg, your dentist will examine every aspect of your mouth for any oral issues. Some oral issues they will search for and treat are bad breath, cavities, infections, and tooth decay, amongst others. They may request exams such as x-rays to ensure they can treat and prevent any problems.
Your exam will also involve an oral cancer screening. Your dentist will check for any signs of oral cancer. They will ask you about your oral symptoms and examine your mouth to ensure there are no signs of cancer. The early stages of cancer may not present any symptoms, and many patients do not notice any abnormalities until it is at an advanced stage. Oral cancer can be dangerous, and treating it early is essential to prevent it from growing and spreading.
3) Time For Questions
During your visit, your Winnipeg dentist will be able to answer any questions you may have about your oral health. They will also be able to advise you on the best way to care for your smile in-between appointments. Since most patients only see their dentist twice a year if their oral health is in good shape, getting any questions and concerns out of the way is important.
This time will also allow you to update your dentist on any changes to your oral routine or health. Informing them of your day-to-day activities or any aspect of your life that may affect your oral health will help them better prepare for your next appointments.
Are you interested in scheduling an oral examination near you? Contact our staff at Vista Place Dental to book an appointment!